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40th annual superman celebration, animator, artist ally, gu, Jack o'halloran, jeff east, john haymes newton, june 7th - 10th, metropolis, metropolis illinois, philo barhart, superman, superman celebration, superman celebration guests, superman museum, superman the movie -

We are very excited to announce Legendary Disney Artist Philo Barnhart will be at this year's 40th Annual Superman Celebration June 7th - 10th!!Philo Barnhart is professional film animator from Oak Park, IL, known for his work on feature-length films: The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, The Rescuers Down Under, The Secret of NIMH, Happily Ever After, An American Tail, and special effects for Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Philo worked many animated TV shows and video games including The Smurfs, Scooby Doo, Jem and the Holograms, Space Ace, Dragons Lair, and many more. He worked on consumer products...

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